Do any of these describe you?

Are you tired even after a long night of sleep?

Distracted by tightness or pain in your jaw? Headaches?

Frustrated with wrestling with your CPAP all night?

Concerned because snores keep your loved one awake?
Are you dreading getting ready for bed because you know you will still be tired tomorrow?
Everyone deserves a good night’s rest.
We can help.
We utilize the latest technology to deliver non-invasive solutions that have you sleeping better quickly and give you a better quality of life.

A dental device or a non-invasive laser procedure will make all the difference in the world.

Jaw Pain/Headaches
Clenching is the #1 symptom of sleep disorder breathing. We have several dental devices that can provide quick relief.

Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is the more dangerous, older brother of snoring. Our varied options can help prevent serious future health problems.
Take our FREE sleep screening quiz to see if you have symptoms.

Let’s get you rested.

Take our free quiz.
A few simple questions will help you determine your risk.

Call for a consultation.
If you are at risk, call so we can get you on the road to better health.
» CALL TODAY 830-629-1954

Wake up feeling great!
After receiving your personalized treatment, wake up to the energetic, healthier you!

More information from Dr. Smith
Sleep apnea is a common disorder that can cause your breathing to stop or become very shallow. Breathing pauses can occur for up to a few seconds to minutes. It is a condition that can have a profound effect on your quality of life.
Although many people are affected, the negative impacts often go untreated or are thought to be a result of other disorders. Treatment for sleep apnea is available and can improve the quality of sleep you experience. Missing one good night of sleep may not affect you on a long-term basis, but a deficit of several nights or more of quality, sound sleep can have a cumulative effect on your general health.
It is important to determine the cause(s) of your apnea once diagnosed so that you may try to mitigate any circumstances that are propagating the presence of this condition. Visit Dr. Smith and Dr. Cole to find an appropriate cure for sleep apnea. There are two types of sleep apnea that can occur: obstructive and central.
Obstructive sleep apnea is a result of the tissues located in the back of the throat becoming relaxed and then compressed, resulting in an obstructed airway. This can restrict your breathing and even cause you to stop breathing for a brief period of time. In turn, you may make a snorting noise as you begin to breathe regularly again. There is a cure, however. A dental device can be custom-fit for your mouth, reducing the incidence of obstructive sleep apnea.
- Central sleep apnea is more difficult to treat and can also have more serious consequences. This disorder occurs when the brain neglects to send signals to the muscles that control your breathing, leading to episodic shallow breaths or even cessation of breathing. Unfortunately, this form of apnea is often caused by heart failure or even a stroke. It must be treated by a specialist, such as a cardiologist or a neurologist.